Thursday, January 18, 2024

Top 5 News Sources

As a journalism student, aspiring writer, and editor, being on top of current events and knowing what's happening in the world and my community is essential. Since the last time I made this list of news sources, I have moved houses and gotten an internship at my local paper, leading to a change in the news I look at.

This list is not in order from most checked to least. 

1. The Laurinburg Exchange

This is my local paper at home. Last summer and this winter break, I interned with them as a reporter, editor and writer. I like to stay on top of what's going on at home and see what the friends I've made at the Exchange are doing, so I check this at least once a week.

2. CNN

CNN is one side of the story regarding American politics and the viewpoints of many of the country's citizens. It is critical to check in and read stories from multiple sources, as it helps you put together the whole story, and some outlets may contain information from a story that others left out.

3. FOX News

Fox News is one side of the story regarding American politics and the viewpoints of many of the country's citizens. It is critical to check in and read stories from multiple sources, as it helps you put together the whole story, and some outlets may contain information from a story that others left out.

4. BBC

The BBC News puts emphasis on different stories than CNN and Fox. It is more geared towards international events and takes a different standpoint than other outlets when considering national news. 

5. Tik Tok

I want to clarify immediately that I do not go to TikTok for news. However, because I do use the app for entertainment, there have been times when I have learned about an event due to a creator I enjoy making a post discussing it. I always follow this up with external research as I do not actually trust TikTok as a news source, but it should go on this list since I sometimes hear about stuff there first.

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